Corporate Governance

We create the value of enterprise through the transparent management.

Stockholder Policy

Stock and Stockholder Status

Total number of stocks to be issued in accordance with the articles of association is 100,000,000 stocks and total number of stocked issued by present is 23,850,318 common stocks and 3,000,000 preferred stocks.
Total number of stocked reduced by the end of 2023 due to capital reduction is 13,680,908 common stocks and 3,000,000 preferred stocks. The number of outstanding stocks as of the date of preparing the report is 9,608,690 stocks.

주식 및 주주 현황 : 최대주주 포함 특수 관계인 29% / 국민연금공단 13% / 베어링자산운용 7% / 자기수기 3% / 기타주주 48%
  • 최대주주 포함 특수 관계인 29% 그래프이미지

    Specially Related Person including largest stockholder

  • National Pension Service 13% 그래프이미지

    National Pension Service

  • Barings LLC 7% 그래프이미지

    Barings LLC

  • Barings LLC 7% 그래프이미지


  • Treasury Stock 3% 그래프이미지

    Treasury Stock

  • Other Stockholders 48% 그래프이미지

    Other Stockholders

* As of December 31, 2023
Major Stockholders
Major Stockholders Number of Stocks Possessed Proportion (%)
Specially related person including largest stockholder 2,982,606 29.3
National Pension Service  546,406 5.4
Barings LLC 670,325 6.6
VIP LLC 917,475 9.0
Treasury Stock 560,720 5.5
Other Stockholders 4,491,878 44.2
Total 10,169,410 100