Human RightsㆍSafety and HealthㆍEnvironment
We take the human and environment seriously
Human Rights Management
HL Holdings respects the international standard of human rights and has a plan to develop the management system to eradicate the violation of human rights
HL Holdings’ Respect for Human Rights
HL Holdings is going to contribute to the human welfare under the vision of the group “Beloved company and outstanding and strong world-class company”. In addition, it prospers with the human-being by practicing the ethic management with the spirit of Jjung-Do Management and respects the rights to pursue human dignity and value and the happiness and at the same time, pursuing the sustainable management by fulfilling the sustainable management. , HL Holdings will comply with the labor- law of each country and the region and is making an effort to observe Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Human Rights Management Principle of HL Holdings
HL Holdings declared the human rights management principle in the level of company and has a plan to manage the compliance with the affiliate’s compliance with the principle comprehensively in the level of HL Group.
In case of overseas business site, it applies below Human Rights declaration reflecting the the laws and industrial characteristics of relevant country by adjusting below Human Rights Declaration.
Respect for Human Rights
We respect all the stakeholders as human and makes an effort actively in order not to occur inhuman treatment both psychologically and physically.
In the event that inhuman acts were confirmed, such as sexual harassment, abuse, physical punishment, abusive language, etc, it will be punished strictly according to the disciplinary rules.
Prohibition of Discrimination
All kinds of discrimination in the personnel affairs such as employment, payment,
promotion, etc. for the reason of the gender, age, race, skin color, nationality, region of origin, disability,
religion, political propensity, family relation, pregnancy and child birth, etc. are prohibited and diversity is respected.
Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
Labor limiting the psychological or physical freedom such as violation, threat, detention, commission, fee, slavery, human trafficking, etc. for entering the company and maintaining employment will not be forced. The transfer of ID card, passport or labor certification issued by Government for the employment condition will not be demanded
The minimum level of employment of each country or region where the business site is located will be complied.
Responsible Management of Supply Chain
It is expected that not only the subsidiary companies but also all the partner companies
including the contractor that does business with HL Holdings would be managed according to the matters stated
in this declaration and comply completely with the related laws applied in the relevant area where
the sales is performed and support it actively.
Compliance of Working Conditions and Labor Law
We will comply with all the regulations such as regular and overtime work hours,
related to holiday and wage, etc. specified in the labor law of the country and region where the business is performed.
In addition, we will grant enough opportunity to communicate to all the executives and employees.
Health and Safety
We will comply with health and safety standards required byin the law of relevant
country or region where the business is performed. We will perform the education that meets the legal requirements and
manage the business site and the facilities required to provide the safe and clean working environment to all the executives and employees.
Protection of Stakeholder’s Information
We will pay special attention so that the products and services
provided by the company would not harm life, health, safety, etc. of the stakeholder and take legal measure for the security
of the customer’s private information collected during the management activities.
Guarantee of Environmental Rights
We will establish and maintain the environment management system to adhere
to the principle of preventive approach on the environmental problems, establish the plan to prevent the serious
environmental damage and environmental disaster and disclose the information related to the environment.
Human Right to Local Community
We will pay special attention so that the products and services provided
by the company would not harm life, health, safety, etc. of the stakeholder and take legal measure for the security
of the customer’s private information collected during the management activities.
Major Human Rights Management Activity
We are performing the human rights management activity through diverse system and executive and employee education and systematic communication.
Major In-house Human Rights Management Activity
We are implementing diverse activities to reinforce the consciousness of human rights in the executives and employees of the company and to manage actively the human rights infringement risk.
Fair Employment Culture Building
HL Holdings complies with related law to build the fair employment culture that grants the equal opportunity to all the applicants.
When performing document screening, we ask them not to write the matters not related to the job in the self-introduction such as gender, region of origin, family relations, etc. of the applicant and the interviewer submit the written oath for the matters to be observed according to the Fair Employment Procedure Act after signing on it.
In addition, to prevent the unfair questions not related to the job during the interview, we are performing the prior education for the interviewer.
Increase of Executive and Employee Work Flexibility
The employees select the starting time and
end time of work 15 minutes unit and work autonomously
Pay the overtime work allowance
according to the monthly hours of work
Night work after 22:00 is
prohibited in principle
Implement the mandatory annual leave promotion system and
Guarantee the employee’s rights of rest through the refresh leave campaign
Eradication Activity of Human Rights Infringement
Prevent the sexual harassment and Bullying in Workplace
HL Holdings prohibits strictly the sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination within workplace and wants to eradicate the related issue through the internal management activity.
Ever since we have opened the sexual harassment report center site and established the sexual harassment processing guidelines in 22018, we are promoting the in-house sexual harassment prevention activity such as designation of permanent banner on the groupware.
In addition, we have a plan to eradicate the accident of the bullying and discriminative treatment through the bullying prevention education in the workplace and the questionnaire results analysis, etc.
Implementation of Hall Holdings Education related to Human Rights
Number of executives and employees who completed the education
Total Hours of Education
744 hours
HL Group Executive and Employee Questionnaire Survey Related to Human Rights Management
ㆍ Related Inquiry